meet diesel.
breed: german shepherd.
age: 11.
instagram: unplugged pooch - not on social media.
favourite treat: denta stix.
favourite cuddles: rolling on frosty grass.
favourite game: being sprayed with the hosepipe.
what gets their tail wagging most? putting my coat on.

what job do diesel and mish do? building and maintaining garden ponds and water features.
what was his first day in the office like? diesel loves water and digging so he earned his place on the team straight away! ugo has recently joined the pack and is getting stuck in as well.
how often does diesel go to the office? not all the time – some clients understandably don’t want a large german shepherd wandering around their garden! but whenever I can, I bring my sidekick along.
what is his favourite thing to do in the office? he used to like to sit in wheel barrows whilst we worked then as he got bigger he upgraded himself to dumpers!

does diesel like sharing his office space? he is very happy to share the truck as we travel. he sometimes forgets that clients’ gardens are not his territory to protect! it has also taken him a while to tolerate ugo coming along, but he knows he is still the top dog.
other than you (of course) who is his favourite colleague? reg, who also looks after him if I’m away. diesel loves going to reg’s house because he’s allowed on the sofas there!!
how has having diesel at work improved the working environment? it can be quite lonely digging ponds and driving from job to job, so having diesel to talk to, help dig holes (albeit not always very helpful) and sit and have lunch with, makes my day that much more enjoyable.
does diesel ever get up to mischief/any embarrassing office stories? chasing, catching and eating a wild baby rabbit in a client’s garden whilst I was digging their pond was probably a low point.
paws in home bonus question! how is diesel coping with the UK on lockdown? he’s absolutely loving the extra attention he gets at home, especially from my wife now that he doesn't smell like a pond every day! Although one walk a day isn’t enough for him so he’s constantly whining to go and play outdoors.

If you would like your office pooch featured on our blog please email your answers and photos to olivia.kennaway@pawsinwork.com using the heading “office dogs: PUP NAME & YOUR NAME”.
Please include a few pictures of you together also!

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