Meet beau.
Breed: Show cocker spaniel.
Age: 10 weeks old.
Instagram: @beau.berry.2022.
Favourite treat: Peanut butter (in moderation of course).
Favourite cuddles: With Ava (my sister).
Favourite game: Fetch! or chewing the grass from his piddle patch.
What gets their tail wagging most? Dog treats or when ava (his primary caregiver) gets home!
What job do Beau and Iona do? I am a development chef for a company called allplants and we deliver chef made, frozen ready meals across the UK. Beau is sadly not allowed to join me in the development kitchen but he has been on hand to help with laptop work and he has a lot of opinions on vegan food.
What was their first day in the office office like? He was quite nervous at first with all the new people and sounds of the office but he quickly realised that he could make a lot of new friends and get a LOT of cuddles.
How often does Beau go to the office? Only once a week at the moment as he really enjoys to be with my sister ava and be a great wfh buddy to her, but whenever she needs to head into the office then he can come with me!

What is beau's favourite thing to do in the office? Play with his toys and have little walks around the warehouse. He also likes trying to find good things to chew on.
Does Beau like sharing his office space? Beau hasn’t been able to hang with any other dogs yet as he still needs his second vaccinations but after that I think he will be very excited to share the office space and make a lot of doggy friends.
Other than you (of course) who is beau's favourite colleague? It’s a tough call but it’s got to be mimi, fellow development chef at allplants!
How has having beau at work improved the working environment? Everyone is happy and it’s the perfect de-stresser to have some puppy cuddles before or after lunch. He really melts everyone's hearts!
Does beau ever get up to mischief/any embarrassing office stories? He has been up to constant mischief but nothing too embarrassing. He is very good during zoom calls and normally takes a nap on my lap. What a good boy he can be!

If you would like your office pooch featured on our blog please email your answers and photos to hannah.woods@pawsinwork.com using the heading “office dogs: PUP NAME & YOUR NAME”.
Please include a few pictures of you together also!

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